, pub-8459711595536957, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Jerusalem restaurants category

Katy's Restaurant

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Price Range



Jerusalem restaurants tends to group in small areas according to type and clientele, which can make restaurant-browsing in the Holy City that much easier. Shlomtzion Hamalka is lined with dimly lit bar/restaurants for the young professional set; Emek Refaim features an abundance of upscale kosher eateries catering to a largely English-speaking crowd; and the area between Rivlin Street and Shlomtzion Hamalka fairly overflows with small, elegant gourmet chef restaurants.


Katy's fits into the last category, the baby of Moroccan-Jewish founder Katy Ohana. The small and well-appointed French bistro is awash in white tablecloths and features a white piano by the door. It was rumored to be the favorite restaurant of late Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek. 

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