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Tzipora Express is a kosher L'mehadrin grill restaurant. You will enjoy the freshest ingredients, which are carefully selected to ensure the highest quality dishes. Shipudei Tzipora supplies its branch restaurants with only the highest quality meats and serves its customers only the best. .
We recommend beginning your dinner experience at Tzipora Express with a variety of tasty salads. Appetizers include humus, eggplant, falafel, mushrooms and Arab (chopped) salad.
For your main dish, the menu suggests a variety of meats from pargit (young pullet) to steak entrecote. All these are accompanied by side dishes such as rice, French fries, antipasti and others for your enjoyment. Or, if you prefer, you can order delicious skewers: Pargit, liver, entrecote, kebab, etc.
Bring the kids to Tzipora Express. They will love the childrens meals: burgers and chips.
Do not skip the desserts. You may regret it. BON APPETIT!!
Open Sunday - Thursday: 11:00 am. till midnight.
Friday: 11:00 am. - One hour before Shabbat.
Open Motzei Shabbat: One hour after Shabbat - 1:00 am. Closed Shabbat.
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