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Touro is a Mediterranean kosher meat chef restaurant located in the heart of the picturesque Mishkanot Sha’ananim neighborhood and boasts a breathtaking view of the Walls of Jerusalem and the Tower of David.
The restaurant is named after Yehuda Touro (1775-1854), an American Jewish philanthropist, and it is thanks to his generous donation and that of Moses Montefiore that the neighborhood was established.
The restaurant is housed in an old Jerusalem building where you could once find Mois Pe’er’s famous restaurant with Teddy Kollek and others being regulars there. The restaurant is at the foot of the historical flour mill and close to the Mishkanot Sha’ananim guest house which hosts artists and intellectuals. The restaurant combines an outside balcony with a spectacular view and an internal space designed to give an old-worldly-cum-modern atmosphere. The building where the restaurant is located is a listed building which also houses the new Jerusalem Press Club.
The restaurant offers a rich and abundant menu prepared by Chef Benny Ashkenazi, and includes vegetarian and vegan dishes. The menu is based on the Mediterranean kitchen influenced by the Asian kitchen and combines unique cooking techniques with authentic and fresh provisions. We can cater for events of up to 120 guests on our balcony or a meal for 20 guests in a private room.
We shall be happy to see you among our guests.
Business Lunch Special: 20% off the whole menu on Sunday-Thursday from 12:00-16:00
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