, pub-8459711595536957, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
The Gerard Bechar Center occupies a significant chunk of Bezalel Street real estate bordering the Nachlaot and Rechavia neighborhoods. The center features two performance halls - one that seats 650 and the other 200 - as well the the Jerusalem Municipality's central library. The Bechar Center is multidisciplinary; its galleries, studios and stages host dance performances (two dance companies, Vertigo and Kolben, call the Bechar Center home), classical, jazz and pop music concerts, plays and theater workshops, the yearly Jerusalem Arts Festival and more. The center also features a constantly rotating display of local and international modern art and photography.
Named for a son of the Bechar family murdered in the Holocaust, the building's wall that faces the busy Bezalel Street is adorned with a massive colorful mural depicting landmarks of the world's greatest cities. Before it became a center for the performing arts, the building housed the trial of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann. Call for a full schedule of events.
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