, pub-8459711595536957, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Jerusalem tours category

The Jerusalem Bike Tour

The Jerusalem Bike Tour - 5


  • The Jerusalem Bike Tour - 5
  • The Jerusalem Bike Tour - 6
  • The Jerusalem Bike Tour - 4
  • The Jerusalem Bike Tour - 3
  • The Jerusalem Bike Tour - 2
  • The Jerusalem Bike Tour - 1

Though its bicycle culture is, by the standards of bicycle-mad Western Europe and even America, still in its infancy, Israel is a natural country for the development of a solid cycling infrastructure: small, not too topographically dramatic, and sympathetic to environmentalism. So it's no surprise that a dedicated group of Israeli bicycle lovers are working toward building the country's bike culture - and they're offering some great tours too.


Jerusalem Bike Tour is perfect for tourists on two wheels: it visits many of the city's most memorable sites, and you'll gain a perspective on the city you'd never be able to match on foot or from the seat of a tour bus.



  • Bike and Helmet


Hotel Inbal,

Liberty Bell Park 3,

Jabotinsky Street, Jerusalem


Additional information


  • Departs every Saturday at 9:00 am.


  • Tour duration is 4 hours. 


  • Appropiate for 13 year olds and older. 

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