, pub-8459711595536957, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Modern Restaurant, inside the famous national Israel Museum is unique, and not only thanks to its amazing location. The combination of artistic design inspired by Mondrian and other artists, the Jerusalem cuisine based menu, and the artistic atmosphere exuding from the newly renovated museum will make your dining experience in this restaurant truly special.
The restaurant has three levels: the inner one, the olive trees terrace and the lower terrace. The menu offers entrees such as eggplant and warm homemade hummus; to be followed by, various fish and meat options and other special dishes.
The menu is renewed constantly, according to the season and the fresh ingredients available on the market.
Modern brings to its diners a contemporary Israeli cuisine, with traditional Jerusalem dishes that were disassembled and reassembled in the new, modern spirit of contemporary international cuisine. The restaurant’s signature dish is a Jerusalem sofrito, which was brought to Israel by the Sepharadi Jews during the previous century and has become a typical, main dish in the Courtyards of Jerusalem. This daily dish constituted the center of Sepharadi cuisine between the city’s walls. Modern reinvented the dish into a modern, light dish with ingredients such as chestnuts, green artichokes and Jerusalem artichokes. More dishes offered at Modern: a Jerusalem tapas platter, Arabic sashimi, Jackson Pollock kadaif, apricot kebab and more. Modern, which is located at the Israel Museum, offers a chef restaurant, event floor and a private balcony. The restaurant offers lunch specials all week long. The private balcony hosts groups and private events, without or without a visit to the museum. To those interested in holding an event at the restaurant, the place can be booked for private events of up to 350 people seated, a fork and plate or a luxurious cocktail party, splendid and bountiful buffets and top-notch service. Senior officials and leading companies choose to celebrate their significant events at Modern, starting from the different ministries of the adjacent Knesset, through the president, diplomatic events, private events of families from Israel and abroad, who arrive to Modern specifically in order to celebrate in the inspirational proximity to the Dead Sea Scrolls. Modern also stands out for its impressive style of Israeli tapas.
Modern. The restaurant at the Israel museum Map
Ruppin Rd. inside the Israel Museum
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