An appropriately named Jerusalem soul food landmark, Chatzot (midnight) serves up Jerusalem's favorite meat dishes until the late night (which, for this sometimes-sleepy town, is about midnight). Walk down Agrippas Street past the market and chances are you'll get hit by the drifting aroma of fried onions, sizzling oil and spiced meat – that would be Chatzot.
The venue, which began as a streetside grill with only a small, spartan indoor seating section, recently underwent extensive renovations and reopened as a spacious, modern restaurant with authentic Jerusalem atmosphere alongside impeccable cleanliness and service. Chatzot now also hosts private events which all begin with a table full of salads and starters.
The massive menu offers just about every single meat item that can be cooked on Chatzot's huge metal cooking surface – order what you like and it will be cooked in front of your eyes in the bubbling juices of whatever came before it, then stuffed into a pita and handed over.
Chatzot also claims the original (and what many say is the best) meorav yerushalmi, Jerusalem's signature dish, of a seasoned melange of the various edible bits of chickens.
Sunday to Thursday, 11:00 to 2:00
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