, pub-8459711595536957, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
The City of David invites you to exprience an unforgettable Segway cruise along the promenades of Jerusalem, all of which offer unbeatable views of the city and the surrounding countryside.
Don't let the name fool you - though this Segway tour is offered by the City of David Visitors Center, you won't be touring the famous City of David itself (which wouldn't lend itself well to Segway travel). Instead you and the transporter of tomorrow will embark on an unforgettable cruise along the promenades of Jerusalem, all of which offer unbeatable views of the city and the surrounding countryside.
Together with the group, you'll meet with your guide in the Yaar HaShalom (Peace Forest) and continue at a leisurely pace to the Haas Promenade, the Goldman Promenade and the Sherover Promenade - each offering its own incredible view, and each granting you a unique insight into the urban landscape of Jerusalem. As you roll along, your expert guide will enlighten you and enthrall you with explanations of what you see before you and fascinating bits of Jerusalem history and trivia.
Novices need not fear: every tour begins with a lesson in how to maneuver a Segway, and the trip's path won't have you competing with cars.
Why City of David?
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