, pub-8459711595536957, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
The Museum of Natural History, housed in a historic structure from the 19th century in Jerusalem's German Colony neighborhood, is much more than simply a museum.
A natural oasis in the heart of the city, the museum offers visitors a variety of experiential, cultural, educational and fun nature-related activities. The museum also serves as a local neighborhood institution, hosting events that cater to children and adults from all sectors of the population in a warm and homey atmosphere, fusing a taste of the past with contemporary subjects.
The museum features a wide variety of displays from the natural sciences and zoology as well as a display about flying animals, mammals, and crawlers in Israel on dioramas.
Visitors to the museum can enjoy a large, shady sculpture garden, displays and exhibitions, a screening room, a library, an educational live animal corner (groups only), a professional staff, and a community garden.
Displays and exhibitions:
Adults - 15 NIS | Children (3-12), seniors - 12 NIS
Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9:00-14:00, Monday, Wednesday: 18:00-19:00, Saturday: 10:00-14:00. Fridays and holiday eves: closed.
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