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Gerard Bechar Center

Gerard Bechar Center

Kolot at the Gerard Bechar Center at 22.02.2014, 20:30



Saturday feb 22nd

Kolot at the Gerard Bechar Center


February 22, 2024 at 20:30


A musical fantasy based on the works of I.L. Peretz by the Aspaklaria Theater Group.


The show focuses on the spiritual journey of Hanania, a Yeshiva student who loses his mind due to his arrogance and digs deeper to find his inner truth. The human voice is revealed as a mirror of the soul and the production is rooted in new soul melodies which touch the inner truth of every one of us. Kolot: a musical fantasy and journey is an encounter between different people and a fusion of voices on the path towards harmony. The process of creation is built as a process of a mutual search for the true, pure inner voice – the pure mirror of the soul.


Inspired by “Mesirut Nefesh” by I.L. Peretz

Adapted for stage by Professor Yehuda Morali

Director: Yafim Rinenberg

Musical direction: Avi bar Eitan

Lighting and set: Martin Cantor

Costumes: Ilya Kotz

Stage: Yosef Fackenheim

With: Yosef Ofir, Asaf Berznitsky, Benni Gonen, Eviatar Lazar, Yosef Fackenheim, Yiftach Raveh

This is a Hebrew-language only event.

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