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Vegetarian Restaurants in Jerusalem


Vegetarian Restaurants

in Jerusalem

Jerusalem houses some memorable Vegetarian restaurants. Their creed and motto is fresh, tasty, nutritious and wholesome and your search to find them start here

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Jerusalem City Guide

2000+ tips and recommendations

  • Nocturno - 16
    Nocturno Cafe

    Vegetarian, City Center
    7 Bezalel St. Designers in the City.

    Price Range


  • go_default - 1

    Price Range


  • מסעדת תאנים ירושלים
    Te'enim Restaurant

    Vegetarian, Old Train Station
    12 Emile Bota St. Confederate House.

    Price Range


  • Nagila Restaurant Jerusalem - 3
    Nagila Restaurant Jerusalem

    Vegetarian, Machane Yehuda
    5, Mashiach Barukhof St. Jerusalem.

  • go_default - 1

    Price Range


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Jerusalem Vegetarian Restaurants
Vegetarian Restaurants are not in abundance in Jerusalem, which is not to say that you have to look too hard to find excellent examples. In some ways Israel is a very easy country for vegetarians to eat in, considering that if you enter any dairy restaurant (which is kosher), you can be guaranteed that no meat product or by-product (such as rennet for cheeses) will have ever been used in the food. Still, that being said there are some truly vegetarian restaurants who take this a step further.

Village Green located in the heart of Jaffa Road is an interesting location. It's clientele is largely made up of religious American tourists and immigrants who might be more familiar with its style from examples of vegetarian restaurants back home or on their travels. It has an extensive selection of dishes made from natural and wholesome ingredients. These range from breakfast goodies such as muffins or cakes, to sometimes exotic soups, rice dishes, quiches, casseroles and salads.  While not a cheap option, the fresh and quality produce is well worth the outlay.

Te'enim overlooking the Old City walls is if nothing else one of the most spectacular settings for a restaurant anywhere in Jerusalem. However, no restaurant can survive on the view alone if the food is no good - and Te'enim certainly doesn't disappoint. Located in a charming old brick building, it's intimate setting and relaxed atmosphere is a true delight. The friendly staff really bring out a feeling of a homely place too. Offering soups, seasonal salads, sandwiches and an enviable cake selection Te'enim should be on the 'to-do' list of any tourist.

Ha'marakia located on Koresh Street does exactly what it says on the bowl. A petite and cosy soup-lovers paradise that also serves other options such as shakshuka, this is a dining experience not to be missed.



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