Jerusalem is home to some excellent fish restaurants. With the sea just 40 miles to your left, you will be guaranteed delectable examples of a catch-of-the-day; salmon, bass, St. Peter's and many more besides
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acing the walls of the Old City in the heart of the Mishkenot Sha'ananim artists' quarter is Montefiore-Mishkenot Sha'ananim, an elegant and authentic Italian-style restaurant with breathtaking views. At Montefiore, only the freshest and highest quality ingredients are used, and they are selected by the kitchen staff with meticulous care. Appetizers include a sea fish crudo in hot read more
Located on Jabotinsky Street right across the street from Liberty Bell Park, the Inbal Hotel and Yemin Moshe's famous windmill, Olive and Fish is a retro-designed restaurant that creates a warm atmosphere featuring authentic photographs of generations of Jerusalemites and images of picturesque Jerusalem.
Located right off the seam line where the religious Jewish neighborhoods of Meah Shearim and Ma'alot Dafna run into Arab east Jerusalem is Shimon Hatzadik Street, home to the purported grave of the selfsame Shimon, a Second Temple-era high priest. It is a popular pilgrimage site for religious Jews, and home as well to the Blue Dolphin, an Arab-style fish restaurant.
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Dolphin Yam may sound more like a name befitting a water park than a seafood restaurant, but that hasn't gotten in the way of its status as one of Jerusalem's most venerable culinary establishments.
Currently housed in an intimate setting with an attractive bar on Ben-Shetach Street in one of the city's hottest restaurant and bar districts, Dolphin Yam read more
On the far western fringe of Jerusalem, nestled among the dramatically forested and terraced Judean Hills, lies Ein Kerem, a former Arab village and purported birthplace of John the Baptist. Ein Kerem's pastoral location has made it both a thriving artists' colony and one of Jerusalem's most desirable and expensive neighborhoods. To serve both the upper-crust residents and visitors, read more
Few couples loom larger in Jerusalem's history than Anna Ticho and Avraham Albert Ticho. She was a painter whose still-lifes and depictions of Jerusalem inaugurated the modern era of Israeli art. He was one of the first modern medical practitioners in pre-state Palestine, an eye doctor who treated all Jerusalemites regardless of background.
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Israelis, like most of their Levantine counterparts, are a fish-eating people, partly due to their fish-rich location between the Mediterranean and the Sea of Galilee, partly due to fish's diversity within the constraints of Jewish dietary law (it is neither dairy nor meat), and partly due to the fact that wherever Jews went in the Diaspora, they invented read more
The Jewish Quarter was almost entirely rebuilt in 1967, since the Jordanians leveled it in 1948 when they seized the West Bank and half of Jerusalem. Builders painstakingly reconstructed some of the Quarter's former landmarks and archaeologists used the destruction as an opportunity to delve into the ground and uncover relics from eras long past.
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Although Jerusalem is now as thick with restaurants representing cuisines from every corner of the world as any other cosmopolitan capital of a prosperous nation, it was not always so. Even two decades ago, Jerusalem was in many ways still a provincial city, and its relative lack of quality restaurants served as testament. But there are a few restaurants that have been serving Jerusalemites for read more
Occupying the upstairs of the Paz gas station on Ben-Tzvi Boulevard with a commanding view of Sacher Park, the government quarter and the red tile roofs of Nachlaot, Ahavat Hayam (Love of the Sea) lives up to its name with a no-nonsense menu of Israeli fish favorites (mullet, St. Peter's fish and more) prepared to order. For a nice touch, every meal starts out with a basket of garlic pita read more

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