, pub-8459711595536957, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Jerusalem Hotels image

Jerusalem Gate Hotel

Jerusalem Gate Hotel GJ - 17
תת קטגוריות - 3


  • Jerusalem Gate Hotel GJ - 17
  • Jerusalem Gate Hotel GJ - 18
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  • Jerusalem Gate Hotel GJ - 4
  • Jerusalem Gate Hotel GJ - 3
  • Jerusalem Gate Hotel GJ - 2
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  • Jerusalem Gate Hotel GJ - 1

Looming above the entrance to the city, the Jerusalem Gate Hotel is adjacent to the Ultra Orthodox-oriented Center One shopping mall at the corner of Yirmiyahu Street, right near the Central Bus Station. Unlike most of the hotels that have sprouted at the entrance to the city, the Jerusalem Gate Hotel caters heavily to an ultra-Orthodox clientele - the entire hotel is glatt lemehadrin under the supervision of the Jerusalem Rabbinate, and rather conveniently for the stringently observant, it is one of the only hotels in Jerusalem to sport its own mikvah.


The hotel's 298 rooms are mostly divided between double and triple rooms, though a few suites feature Jacuzzis. An enormous function hall is often rented out for Ultra-Orthodox Jerusalemites' weddings, and an onsite cafe serves a full kosher dairy menu. Both the central bus station and the International Convention Center (Binyanei HaUma) are nearby, though the attractions of downtown and the Old City are outside easy walking distance.

  • ATM service

Choose this hotel if

You're an observant Jew and need to rest assured that your meals and lodging adhere to the highest halakhic standard

You want to be near the Central Bus Station, gateway to Israel

You'd like to be near the International Convention Center

You don't mind taking a cab or bus to downtown Jerusalem or the Old City

Keep in mind

Booking your hotel room with entitles you a host of money-saving benefits designed to maximize your enjoyment of your stay in Jerusalem. Your benefits include:


  • Free gift packets, including our useful maps and our quarterly guide book. 


  • Free use of our phone-based concierge service for real-time advice from staff experts for the duration of the visit. 


  • Exclusive discounts on the top tours and attractions in Jerusalem and all of Israel. And more!

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