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Jerusalem attractions category

Confederation House

Jerusalem Attractions  - 145



Given its nature as a society comprised of Jewish immigrants from all around the world, as well as a multitude of non-Jewish ethnic and religious groups both recently arrived and long resident in the land, Israel is home to a great host of musical traditions. Genres range from Jewish traditional musics now extinct in their Diaspora homelands to traditional Arab music, from the finest in classical and jazz to every imaginable style of modern pop.

Facilitating the development and preservation of traditional music in Israel, and thoroughly invested in introducing Israelis to the dizzying array of ethnic music from other nations, is the Confederation House.

The Confederation House brings performers from all over the world to demonstrate their native music to Israeli audiences, and it organizes events and festivals featuring local instruments. The yearly Oud Festival (the oud is an Arabic lute) has become a popular event for both Jerusalem residents and tourists. The Confederation House also organizes events for poets and writers.


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