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Jerusalem restaurants category

Riviera Bar

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Price Range



Bar/restaurants on Jerusalem's relatively swanky Shlomtzion HaMalka St. are notoriously transient, opening and shuttering often within months, but whenever one Euro-Med fusion center with an extensive whiskey list and an affection for late-nite techno parties goes down, another seems to rise from the ashes before you can say "entrecote." But then, there's nothing wrong with entrecote. Riviera (as in "French") fits in rather well with the Shlomtzi aesthetic, offering the customary, if kosher, Yerushalmi-by-way-of-Nice menu of bistro favorites (baladi eggplant, Nicoise salad, roast beef, steak, glazed chicken livers) and a full bar and winelist amidst two levels of warmly modernist decor. At night, Rivieria becomes more a lounge than a restaurant; the crowd grows younger and wilder, the DJ turns up the volume, and people get frisky on the couches scattered about the upstairs loft area.

Opening hours

Sunday to Thursday 12:00 until last customer

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