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Beit Avi Chai presents "The Story of Rabbi Amnon of Mainz (Magenza/Mayence)."
This composition by Ron Weidberg was inspired by the legend of Rabbi Amnon of Mainz. The New Israel Vocal Ensemble presents one of the most moving Israeli pieces of recent years. The legend of Rabbi Amnon, which first appeared in writing in Sefer Or Zaru‘a (13th century), has been set to music in a unique and touching cantata. It presents the story of Rabbi Amnon, who, having refused to convert to Christianity, was tortured and died of his wounds.
Weidberg's musical language and poetic writing imbue the texts with new force; the dramatic tale is woven into a stormy masterpiece.
With: The New Israel Vocal Ensemble | Yuval Ben-Ozer, conductor | Guy Pelc, baritone | Ella Toovy, cello | Marina Minkin, harpsichord and organ
Wednesday, March 14, 20:00
Admission: NIS 50, students: NIS 20
This is a Hebrew language only event.
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