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Events in Jerusalem



in Jerusalem

In the last few years Jerusalem has become home to several "must see" international events and its cultural calendar is probably the most packed in the entire country. The word on the street says Jerusalem has a breadth of events to satisfy even the most voracious cultural appetites

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Jerusalem City Guide

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GoJerusalem Events Guide
  • Complete events guide Hundreds of events & performances each month

  • Important annual eventsSo you can plan your vacation in advance

  • Discount tickets for online booking Discounts and special rates when you book online

  • Book with confidencePlan your vacation with Jerusalem's leading travel site

  • Find events near your location You won’t believe how much is going on right around the corner

Events in Jerusalem

Jerusalem has become a must-visit destination, not just for the opportunity to get up-close-and-personal with millenia old artefacts, streets and buildings, but also as a bang up-to-date modern events center. 

The summer months are clearly when Jeruaslem events are really packed in, but that is not to say that there are not things available the rest of the year round. 

From festivals for film, wine, arts and crafts, dance and more, there will always be a Jeruslaem event to whet your appetite for fun, enjoyment and relaxation

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