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Beit Avi Chai events


Beit Avi Chai Events

in Jerusalem

Jerusalem is home to the outstanding Beit Avi Chai. A pluralist organisation that encourages thought and creativity in Jewish and Israeli society is a cultural center with an enviable track record of performances, lectures and exhibitions. Book your sit today for one of Jerusalem's most memorable cultural experiences

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Beit Avi Chai Events in Jerusalem

Jerusalem is home to Beit Avi Chai, on the corner of King George Street and Keren Kayemet L'Yisrael Street. It is home to one of Jerusalem's most eclectic mixes of performances, galleries and other productions; including comedy and music. A cultural center that takes a wide-angle look at Israeli and Jewish culture, it puts on some of the most high brow and interesting events available in the entire city.

Beit Avi Chai is home to Stage One, an English language theater festival that usually coincides with the festival of Passover. A mixture of theater, comedy and music it takes an irreverant look at what it's like to be a native-English speaker in a very foreign environment. One of Beit Avi Chai's most popular and famous events is the Piyyutim Festival. Piyyutim are religious liturgical poems, which began to be written during Temple times. There are modern interpretations of these mystical and deeply spiritual writings, with poetry and music springing forth to help our understanding of the texts



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