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Annual events in Jerusalem


Annual Events

in Jerusalem

Jerusalem is the home for the most varied main annual events in Israel, which keep locals and visitors alike coming back for more. From light shows, to beer and wine festivals and the headline Hutzot Hayotzer, check out when the next major annual event is coming to ensure you don't miss out an unforgettable experience

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Annual Events in Jerusalem

Jerusalem has a calendar packed full of annual events, the majority of which are over the busy summer months, but that is not to say that visitors here will be at a loss for things to see and do, event-wise. The headline event is arguably Hutzot Hayotzer, a near two-week extravaganza usually some time in August. It utilises the space surrounding the Artists' Colony (Hutsot Hayotser) and the Sultan's Pool plays host to nightly concerts by some of Israel's biggest pop-stars. 

There are stalls displaying wares from nearly every country, with a high premium being placed on ethnic creations that show off the local craftsmanship to the best of their ability. There are also numerous Israeli-based stalls that sell paper art, to lighting to Judaica. Althouth Hutsot Hayotser might be the cultural highlight, one of THE places to be seen in Jerusalem in the summer is the annual wine festival held in the magnificent grounds of the Israel Museum.  Everyone from the Mayor down (depending on your point of view of course) attends and it is a truly magical event. Live music accompanies what is one of the most agreeable evenings anywhere

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