, pub-8459711595536957, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Jerusalem attractions category

TwoWay Tours

TwoWay Segway Tours gallery - 1


  • TwoWay Segway Tours gallery - 1
  • TwoWay Segway Tours gallery - 3
  • TwoWay Segway Tours gallery - 2


Twoway – Glide Tours around Jerusalem


Take a glide tour of Jerusalem with TwoWay – an attraction that combines pleasure and culture for the most profitable price!!!


TwoWay offers special glide tours around Jerusalem.  Participants of the tour first receive instructions of how to use the vehicle; the tours are guided by pleasant and patient professional guides.


Guided tours for workers’ committees, groups, couples and individuals through tracks that were impeccably picked as suitable for our rides. On the tours, we will visit significant sites around Jerusalem, we will hear about the city’s unique history, we will reveal amusing facts and will provide interesting information about the magic of the City of Eternity – Jerusalem.

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