, pub-8459711595536957, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
This tour is for people who want to understand and experience the backdrop to the establishment of the State of Israel. The tour begins in Tel Aviv , with a visit to the Independence Hall where the establishment of the State of Israel was declared.Continue to armored corps museum at Latrun. A visit to the museum at Yad Mordechai, dedicated to the commander of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, will give you an understanding of the experiences that Jews went through in Europe. Learn about the early pioneers' fight for survival during the British Mandate with a visit to the Ayalon Institute's secret Hagana weapon factory and store.
Finally, enjoy what was achieved with a visit to Mini Israel, where you'll see (in miniature!) the amazing sites, landmarks, buildings and monuments modern Israel has to offer.
Pick up from the lobby of your hotel as follows:
6:00 Jerusalem hotels
7:00am Netanya hotels
7:30am Herzliya hotels
8:00am Tel Aviv
This tour leaves on THURSDAYS only.
Tour is available on Thursdays in English
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