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Jerusalem restaurants category

Winery Bar

Jerusalem Attractions  - 159

Price Range



The Judean Hills around Jerusalem were once thick with vineyards, providing the raw materials for a thriving wine industry centered around Jerusalem during Roman times. Now Jerusalem is beginning to claim that bygone oenological heritage. Leading the way in Jerusalem's resurgent wine culture, and a good alternate to its sister establishment, Mirror Bar, is Winery, the Mamilla Hotel's wine bar - in fact, the only true wine bar in Jerusalem.

Well-trained sommeliers offers curated tasting experiences (60 NIS, with accompanying explanations of grape varieties and rare bottles), dining experiences (with food paired with wine flights) and plain old wine, available by the cup or by the bottle. The focus, naturally, is on native Israeli kosher wines, which have in recent years increasingly been able to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the European wine old guard.

Opening hours

Sunday to Thursday, 14:00 to 22:00; Friday to Saturday, 12:00 to 18:00

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