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Jerusalem attractions category

The Incubator Theater


The Incubator Theater is a fringe theater based in Jerusalem, whose productions offer a contemporary satiric, humorous, Jewish and Israeli theater experience.


The theater was established in 2005 with support from "Keren Bracha" with the aim of providing a space for Jerusalem artists to create and stage their original theater productions. In the past eight years the theater has held over 900 original performances and plays, including a TV series on channel 10, and received the attention and accolades of public institutions such as the Jerusalem Municipality and the Ministry of Tourism. Beit Mazia, located in the City Center, is the theater's current home base in Jerusalem.


The Incubator strives to be a significant cultural motivator in Jerusalem and an active player in developing the character of the city as a pluralistic one which accomodates a range of opinions and world views. The majority of the company's actors and actresses are graduates of the Nissim Nativ Acting Studio in Jerusalem.

  • Air conditioning
  • Kids friendly

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