, pub-8459711595536957, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Located two minutes' walk from the vibrant and busy Mahane Yehuda open air market, EXP Vacation Apartments are among the most modern and well equipped in the city.
Apartments are spacious, air conditioned, with a large dining area, kitchen with kosher facilities and a relaxing living area with a sofa, Wi-Fi and a flat screen TV. The apartment blocks are also fitted with high speed elevators for your convenience.
Located in in the heart of Jerusalem, a large number of great restaurants are located nearby as well as the light railway which stops literally in front of the apartments three stops away from Jerusalem's historic Old City.
Impressive modern tall buildings offer great view and a unique perspective of the city.
Booking your hotel room with entitles you a host of money-saving benefits designed to maximize your enjoyment of your stay in Jerusalem. Your benefits include:
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