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Jerusalem restaurants category

Roza Restaurant

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Price Range



Fitting right in with the crowd of cozy, dimly-lit modern international bistros lining the venerable Feingold Courtyard off Jaffa Road, Roza, a kosher meat bar/restaurant, strikes a curious balance between play-it-safe Jerusalem bistro favorites and heretofore unseen (in Jerusalem, anyway) stabs at Mexican/Middle Eastern fusion. Nods to tradition include a lineup of focaccie and accompanying mezze or meats, lahma bi-ajin (meat-stuffed Turko-Arabic bread), and various Italian-ish pastas; other menu options indicate a roving cosmopolitan eye, including Asian-inflected pasta dishes with coconut milk or ginger and the aforementioned "Mexican" menu, including some of Jerusalem's only fajitas and several other options, from lamb kebab tortilla to chicken tortilla with onion and tehina, that seem Mexican only in choice of bread.

  • Kids friendly
  • Accessibility for People with Disabilities
  • Kosher

Opening hours

Sunday - Thursday, 12:00 to 24:00; Friday, 12:00 to afternoon; Saturday, one hour after Shabbat until last customer

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