, pub-8459711595536957, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Today luxury hotels are hardly a rarity in Jerusalem, but years ago, when they were few and far between, the King David Hotel was at the very head of the pack. Even now, when it has been out-glitzed, the King David still has a lesson or two about old-world European luxury and class to teach the hotels that sprang up in its wake.
The historic King David Hotel was a hub for the British military during the pre-state mandate years, and much of the building has been refurbished since Jewish nationalists bombed it in 1946. The "new" décor mixes European charm with flourishes of Ottoman-Eastern exotica effectively, and the manicured pool and gardens, which overlook the Old City, are lovely. The hotel's 237 rooms boast LCD TVs and marble bathrooms.
Located across the street from the YMCA and near downtown, Mamilla and Liberty Bell Park, the King David Hotel is a lavish choice for accommodation as well as a Jerusalem landmark. It remains one of the primary lodging destinations for visiting dignitaries, and deservedly so.
You want to be right up the street from the Old City
You expect unparalleled luxury and a high level of personal service
You want to experience Jerusalem's history firsthand with a stay in one of the city's most famous buildings
You'd like access to some of the city's loveliest pool facilities
You want to be an easy walk from the shopping and nightlife of downtown Jerusalem
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