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Jerusalem restaurants category

Carousela Cafe

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Rechavia is a fascinating neighborhood: originally occupied mostly by German immigrants, it has a bucolic, European-accented logic found in few other city neighborhoods. Although the founding Yekkes have mostly passed on and bequeathed their tidy little houses to a new generation of economically secure Israelis and American immigrants, Rechavia's main street, Azza, is a center of Jerusalem youth culture (even if most of those taking advantage of it live elsewhere in the city). Given its garden charm and bustling cultural life, then, it's no surprise that the Azza St. area is one of Jerusalem's cafe ground zeros.


Throwing its green salads and coffee into the ring is Carousela, occupying a beloved former florist on the corner of Azza and Metudela. The kosher dairy bill of fare should surprise nobody who's set foot in an Israeli cafe anywhere between Metulla and Eilat: salads, pastas, sandwiches, baked goods and other light fare to accompany your cafe and limonana. It's the ambiance that makes Carousela special, allowing you to soak up the full Rechavia experience from indoor or outdoor seating. The cafe also occasionally serves as the venue for a small market where Jerusalemite artisans sell crafts and handmade funky clothes.

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