, pub-8459711595536957, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Jerusalem restaurants category

Dolce Latte Cafe

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A more recent entry into the crowded and capricious Jerusalem midrachov coffeeshop scene, Dolce Latte stakes its turf against nearby heavyweights like Cafe Rimon by offering what it bills as "The Coffee Experience" and a full kosher l'mehadrin menu of Italian-inflected dairy cafe fare. Open from dawn until the wee hours of the morning, an increasingly (and refreshingly) popular choice in this once-sleepy town, Dolce Latte offers the standard Israeli coffee menu (espresso, cappucino, Americano, the titular latte, dolce or otherwise), and its menu should please kosher customers and the health-conscious with veggie-heavy sandwiches, pastas, fish dishes and carefully constructed desserts.

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