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Jerusalem restaurants category

Pundak Ein Kerem

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Price Range



With Jerusalem's rapid expansion to the west, north and south in the wake of the 1967 Six Day War, many locations once far outside the Holy City are now encompassed within its municipal boundaries. This means that someone can feel as if they are in an exotic Middle Eastern capital, a thriving Western-style city, or a pastoral village all while remaining within Jerusalem's jurisdiction.

One of the areas incoporated into Jerusalem is Ein Kerem, a former Arab village and reputed birthplace of John the Baptist. The neighborhood is tucked among the impressive and heavily forested Judean Hills on the western outskirts of the city.

Ein Kerem is now one of Jerusalem's loveliest neighborhoods, home to artists and the upper crust, and many of its restaurants take full advantage of that fact. Pundak Ein Kerem, with a garden blooming in and around its stone courtyard, is built into a venerable Ottoman-era building next to the village's shuttered mosque. Like several other Ein Kerem restaurants, it specializes in pan-European fusion cuisine of the decidedly unkosher variety, including pastas, chicken wings, stuffed vegetables and various cheese dishes. Pundak also offers free wireless Internet access.

Opening hours

Sunday to Thursday, 10:30 until last customer; Friday and Saturday 10:00 until last customer


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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