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Jerusalem attractions category

Givat Ram

Jerusalem Attractions  - 14


The lofty monuments of Givat Ram make this area the Smithsonian of Jerusalem: it is simultaneously the center of Jerusalem's government, culture and scientific studies. Many of the buildings of Givat Ram - in particular the Supreme Court and Knesset-are internationally acclaimed for their unusually beautiful architecture. The three hills that comprise Givat Ram are each dedicated to a theme: upon one hill is the center of Israel's government, where the Knesset, the Supreme Court and other government offices are built. On another hill are some of the finest museums in the country: the Israel Museum, the Bible Lands Museum and the Bloomfield Science Museum.


And finally there is the hill upon which Hebrew University's campus for the sciences resides, making it the center of scientific study in the Holy City. When the Mount Scopus campus of Hebrew University was evacuated following attacks in 1948, it was relocated to Givat Ram. After 1967, the university's Humanities departments reclaimed the Mount Scopus campus, and the departments of the Sciences have been housed in the Givat Ram campus ever since. When the museums and government buildings start to take their toll and you want a glimpse of some natural beauty, Givat Ram is the ideal place to be. The exquisite Botanical Gardens, with thousands of species of flora from all over the world, is located here. So is the Jerusalem Bird Observatory, where migratory birds from Europe, Asia and Africa can be seen in a friendly habitat. Over the course of the year, more than a billion birds pass through Israel in their quest for warmer skies. This makes Israel an ideal place for observing the beauty and activity of exotic birds.

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