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Events in Jerusalem

ENGINEER at the Bloomfield Museum of Science

ENGINEER at the Bloomfield Museum of Science at 19.03.2012

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Monday mar 19th

ENGINEER at the Bloomfield Science Museum

ENGINEER is an international workshop for science education with the participation of 60 science museum directors, educators, and scientists from Europe that aims to encourage students to study science and engineering. Initiated by the museum and funded by the European Union, the project aims to support the teaching of science and technology to elementary school students. ENGINEER is based on a similar project at the Boston Museum of Science. The program will take place at schools and science museums throughout Europe over the course of three years in Israel and nine other European countries with the participation of 26 institutions of formal and non-formal education.

The museum kicks off the three year program with special activities at the museum from Monday - Friday March 19-23, 2012.

On Monday March 19 an encounter and discussion about studying science and engineering will take place with the participation of Professor Yanis Mialis, the director of the Boston Museum of Science.


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