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Events in Jerusalem

May 2011 Children's Events at the Malcha Mall

May 2011 Children's Events at the Malcha Mall at 21.05.2011

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Saturday may 21st

The Malcha Mall invites your children to a slew of activities, performances, and workshops throughout the month of May 2011.


May 12, 18:00: The Adventures of Kenga and Koali, children welcome to hear the magical adventures of Gur the Kangaroo

May 12, 18:00-20:00: Job fair for youths, free entrance for 16+

May 19, 20:00-24:00: Giant "silent" dance party, earbuds for rental with 10 shekel deposit

May 21-25, after Shabbat until Wednesday, 12:00-20:00: Come dance, jump, run on water...inside a giant elastic ball! The newest athletic challenge is here.

May 26, 18:00: Come see Yohu, the star of the Hop! Channel, sing and entertain your children. You can even have your picture taken at the end of the show!

Open Hours

Malcha Mall opening hours: Sunday-Thursday 9:30-22:00, Friday 9:00-15:00, Saturday from an hour after Shabbat ends - 23:00.


Malcha Mall

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