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Beit Avi Chai venue

Beit Avi Chai

Points.Of.Culture: Izhar Ashdot sings Micha Shitrit at 05.05.2014

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Monday may 5th

Points.Of.Culture at Beit Avi Chai



In this series, musical performers and educators encounter texts by Jewish-Israeli poets in a program that attempts to bridge the worlds of Jewish/Israeli poetry with musical expression, classical Israeli poetry and music with simple faith. Each performance features an introductory lecture highlighting the specific evening's chosen poet and then blends the poetry (that appears on a screen behind the performers) with musical renditions.

Izhar Ashdot sings Micha Shitrit

Thursday, June 26, 8:30 PM

With: Prof. Nissim Calderon Admission: 60 NIS; students: 20 NIS

All of the series sessions will be broadcast live on the BEIT AVI CHAI website.




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