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Click here to view this week top events >Passover 2014 with the The City of David
The City of David offers numerous Tours and Attractions for the whole family at the different Ancient Jerusalem sites: City of David, Armon Hanatziv and the Mount of Olives.
April 16-20, 2014
Special for Passover- The Hasmonean Aqueduct Tour and The Temple Mount Sifting Project– Free of charge, sponsored by Bank Hapoalim!
The special Passover activities will be offered from 16.4.14- 20.4.14.
Below is a list of the Passover tours and activities that will be offered - click on a title for more information on the City of David site.
Tours & Attractions in City of David - Passover 2014
City of David Kidron Monuments Tour
Tour the City of David with Dee Dee
Tours & Attractions in the Peace Forest - Passover 2014
Tours & Attractions in Armon Hanatziv - Passover 2014
Hasmonean Aqueduct Tour- Free of charge!
Tours & Attractions in Emek Tzurim National Park (Mount of Olives) - Passover 2014
Temple Mount Sifting Project - Free of Charge!
Adult - 29 NIS
Child(5-18), senior citizen 15 NIS
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