, pub-8459711595536957, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
The Jerusalem Mall (Malcha) invites you to a pre-Passover gift fair offering houseware and gifts, home textiles, cosmetics, perfume, holiday gift baskets, and more. April 1-14, 2014
Jerusalem Azrieli Mall Map
Agudat Sport Beitar Rd
2000+ tips and recommendations
April 2014 Children's Performances at the Jerusalem Mall (Malcha) 0m
Baby Mornings at the Jerusalem Mall Malcha 0m
Jerusalem Mall Passover Promotion: 75 NIS Gift 0m
Passover 2014 Children's Activities at the Jerusalem Mall (Malcha) 0m
Friday Culinary Fair at the Jerusalem Mall (Malcha) 0m
Ramat Rachel Kibbutz Hotel 3332m
Inbal Jerusalem Hotel 4063m
Mount Zion Hotel 4243m
The American Colony Hotel 5932m
Azzahra Hotel 7671m
HaMoshava 54 Restaurant 3168m
Sushi Rechavia 3225m
La Boca Restaurant 3251m
Grand Cafe 3421m
Waffle Factory Cafe 3555m
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The Jerusalem Tourism Map: