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Beit Avi Chai presents "SMOKE SCREEN": A Tribute to the Mythological Album by Ariel Zilber
Thursday, Mar 20, 8:30 PM
Smoke Screen, Ariel Zilber’s album from 1999, connects between Arab music with quarter tones and Makams, and classic and original Hebrew songs, to create a refreshing and quality gem that paints a picture of the character of the country and its residents.
Elad Gabbai accompanied by an ensemble of diverse musicians will offer special arrangements for the songs of the album and other songs, and will instill new life to the pieces using both eastern and western instruments.
Guest: The singer Chaya Samir
Elad Gabbai - vocals, oud, kenun and musical director
Ilan Keinan - vocals, bass and acoustic guitar
Netanel Yitzchakov - Arabic violin
Tzachi Ventura - Nai flute
Amit Sharon - darbuka
Roy Friedman - percussion
Meirav Wehb, Effy Duyab - chorus
Price: NIS 50, students: NIS 20
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