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HaTza'atzua presents nightly music, dancing, parties, a full bar and more: there's never a dull moment at this multi-level youthful nightlife venue.
Mondays at 21:30: Student Night. On the bar level: rock music and classic shows on screen. On the dance level: student party with DJ. Special deals on alcohol all night. Entrance for students with student card.
Tuesdays at 21:30: Tuesday Nights at Hatza'atzua. On the bar level: chill rock and live show screenings on the huge screen, on the dance level: wild party with a resident or guest DJ. Special deals on alcohol all night. Entrance for ages 22 and up.
Wednesdays at 21:30: Hebrew Party Series - the best student parties in town. Israeli and foreign rock on the bar level with classic shows on screen. Special deals for students on alcohol and chasers until midnight. On the dance level - party with one of HaTza'atzua's resident DJs.
Thursdays at 21:00: Flag night at Hatza'atzua. Wild party on the dance floor with one of HaTza'atzua's resident DJs. Quality bar music on the bar level. Special deals on alcohol and chasers until midnight. Entrance for ages 24+.
Fridays at 22:00: Bar, lounge and dance. Friday Night Friends Night. Special deals on alcohol until midnight for club members. On the bar level: DJ spinning 70s 80s and 90s music and classic shows on screen. On the dance level: one of HaTza'atzua's resident DJs, or occasionally a guest DJ, with dance music.
Saturdays at 21:30: Saturday Night Live. HaTza'atzua staff presents "TOY VA VOI"-a playful Saturday night. HaTza'atzua hosts students and friends from around the world. End off the weekend with a party on the dance floor with one of HaTza'atzua's resident DJs. On the bar level - chill music for drinks and snacks.
Mon - Thu: 9:30 pm - 4:30 am
Fri: 10:30 pm - 5:00 am
Sat: 9:30 pm - 4:30 am
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