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Beit Avi Chai presents A Talmud Bavli study group.
Wednesdays, 7:00 PM
At Beit Avi Chai a weekly Talmud study group has been opened. The group is for women and men, secular and religious, ages 20-40.
The standard of knowledge required: fluent reading of the Gemara and Rashi interpretations without auxiliary material.
The study will focus on the Ketuba Tractate, the issue of a woman who has become a widow (laws of bills and law of captivity), and will focus on the order of the page and integrate academic and yeshiva approaches.
During the study we will encounter basic Talmudic concepts such as miggo, barai veshema, the mouth that forbade is the mouth that permitted, and we will also study issues dealing with testimonies, with testimonies during war and in memories, childhood as a legal testimony.
For additional details:
Orit Malka – 055-6609371 [email protected]
Yuval Blankovsky - [email protected]
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