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First Station presents "Tradesmen": a collection of photographs from the 60s by Yitzhak Sa'ad (1923-1997).
The opening event will take place on December 23, 2013 at 20:00 with the performance "A Jerusalem Story." The exhibit will be on display through the end of January. Entrance is free.
"I like work: it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours."
- Jerome K. Jerome
Yitzhak Sa'ad observes workers and tradesmen and their relationship with their surroundings. He peers at their clothes and tools, their interactions with their managers, customers, co-workers, and different periods throughout the day - moments of effort and concentration, moments of exhaustion and rest, moments of workers stopping to be photographed.
Sa'ad, a Jerusalemite photographer who traveled the city and country, documents in his photographs a human landscape of professions that have undergone changes, were pushed to the sidelines, or have completely disappeared. His photographs carry a valuable role of preserving a culture and landscape that no longer exist.
Yitzhak Sa'ad was born in Baghdad and emigrated to Israel with his family as a child in the 30s. In Israel, Sa'ad worked alongside his father in real estate but was always taken with the arts. He mastered many languages, was drawn to music, and learned to play the trumpet. After a heart disease and subsequent surgery, he began to work in the watch repair business, and dedicated a significant amount of time on photography. At first photography was solely a hobby for him and later he worked as a professional photographer as well as a freelancer for the Jerusalem Archive, National Geographic, The JNF, Maariv Newspaper, and the Israel Museum.
After his death he left behind a huge collection of slides and negatives which were taken mainly in the 60s. Being busy with so many other things he never developed, organized, or published the photographs. The collection was scanned and organized by his son Yitzchak David, also a photographer, and a selection of these photographs are displayed in the current exhibition.
The opening event will take place on Wednesday December 23, 2013 at 20:00. The event will include a performance by Sa'ad's brother (story teller) and son (musician), titled "Jerusalem Story." Father Yosef Sadeh, a lawyer, and son Niri Sadeh, a musician, will tell stories and sing songs about Jerusalem. The show will also include a performance by the Jerusalem ensemble "Ecoute".
Exhibit curator: Avi Dabach
Photograph production: David Sa'ad
The exhibit was produced by the Musrara School of Photography, New Media, New Music, Visual Communications and Phototherapy.
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