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Beit Avi Chai presents The Sigd Festival: A Festival Celebrating Ethiopian Jewish culture
Friday, Oct. 18, at Habima Theatre, Tel Aviv
The Almaz ("Diamond") Girls ensemble
Traditional Jewish Ethiopian dance and music
10:00 AM, Bartonov Hall - admission free
Zvuloon Dub System presents Anbessa Dub
Reggae and Ethiopian Dub
11:00 AM, Habima Hall 4 - Tickets: NIS 30
The Shabate Jazz Ensemble
Hosts saxophonist Abate Berihun
12:30 PM, Meskin Auditorium - Tickets: NIS 30
In cooperation with BEIT AVI CHAI
"The Lion Whelp of Judah" with Shai Pardo
A one-man show for the whole family
12:30 PM, Habima Hall 4 - Tickets: NIS 30
Esther Rada
The princess of Israeli groove, in a life performance of her greatest hits
2:00 PM, Rovina Auditorium - tickets: NIS 90
In cooperation with BEIT AVI CHAI
Roundtable of Ethiopian Israeli Intellectuals
A discussion that focuses on the royal Jewry in Ethiopia, the link to Israel, and their journey
11:00 AM, Bartonov Hall - Admission free
In cooperation with BEIT AVI CHAI
An Ethiopian celebration, with Ethiopian food, music and desserts
Ethiopian dance lessons for beginners
Rovina Auditorium Lobby
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