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Beit Avi Chai presents "Between Heaven and Earth Festival": Judaism * Dance * Now!"
Tuesday-Thursday, Oct. 29-13
Three days of new and original Israeli dance discussions: the body, our identity, and performance.
Three female choreographers, three original works, dealing with Judaism and the body.
Alice Dor Cohen, Rachel Ardus, Einat Ganz
The Kaet Ensemble in a premiere by Idan Porges
Gerard Behar Center, 11 Bezalel St., Jerusalem
Festival program and ticket sales:
The dances to be premiered at the festival were inspired by the choreographers' workshop on the concept of the body in the eyes of Judaism that was developed by BEIT AVI CHAI.
The festival is produced by the "Heaven and Earth Center" in cooperation with BEIT AVI CHAI and the Choreographers' Association, with the support of the Jerusalem Foundation and the Jerusalem Municipality.
About Dance:
"This is the art that, more than any other, makes it easy to descend to the level of entertainment and rise to the level of worship. By its nature, dance is the closest of all to God and, on the other hand, to the world of evil. There is almost no other art in which flesh and spirit are united and fused so inseparably. Closely related to the spirit of holiness, an eternal symbol of the sanctity of the Temple, a relic of cults, and, as the prophet notes, the spirit of "all my bones shall proclaim"... The struggle between the human body and Newton's Law of Gravity. The struggle between the human spirit and the static elements of routine of life. The desire for redemption."
- Leah Goldberg
This is the fourth year that BEIT AVI CHAI is offering workshops for choreographers in cooperation with the Choreographers' Association and "Between Heaven and Earth". Each year, a different topic is chosen as the theme. The dance premieres staged at the festival are inspired by the workshop.
The attempt to understand and relate to the complex interface between body and spirit began when ten choreographers, members of the Choreographers' Association, came to BEIT AVI CHAI for a day of study and tried to examine the concept of the body in the eyes of classical Jewish texts. This was the start of a process that ultimately produced three original dance works, all of which attempt to uncover the struggle that Leah Goldberg describes as entertainment and worship, God and the Devil.
These works, together with others relating to the bond between flesh and spirit, will be premiered at the "Between Heaven and Earth" festival, to take place from October 29th to the 31st.
- Ronen Yitzhaki, artistic director, "Between Heaven and Earth" festival
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