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Beit Avi Chai's Piyyut Festival returns to Jerusalem for the sixth year straight. This year's festival will take place at Beit Avi Chai and other venues around Jerusalem from September 8-11, 2013.
The festival provides a musical platform to bond Jewish cultures and communities, and a lively artistic dialogue between tradition and contemporary culture.
Day Two: September 9, 2013
Yeshena Beheq Yaldut: Maurin Nehedar in a Personal Musical Journey
Singer, paytanit, and international creator Maurin Nehedar in a special concert to launch her new album of piyutim, Yeshena beheq yaldut (Sleeping in the bosom of childhood). Maurin will present new arrangements of piyutim from the Iranian-Jewish musical tradition, which she is unveiling to the public after over a decade of unique studies. Inspired by her studies and brought on by wanting to contribute a personal interpretation to this tradition that has no following, Maurin wrote original arrangements to piyutim from Spain's Golden Age and the prayer book, using the Persian Radif scale. Further arrangements to poems by Israeli poets-from Yehuda Amichai to Uri Zvi Greenberg-depict another aspect of her musical creations and connect between the past and the present.
Special Guest: Etti Ankri
Maurin Nehedar-vocals, Persian setar, frame drum; Adi Rennert-piano; Yankale Segal-acoustic guitar, oud and bass; Oren Fried-percussion; Yagel Harush-kamanche; Yitzhak Ventura-nay; Dolev Solomon-contrabass
Arrangements and musical production: Maurin Nehedar and Yankale Segal
Collection, deciphering and morphological processing to traditional piyutim, and art direction: Maurin Nehedar
In cooperation with the Jewish Music Research Center at the Hebrew University
Purchase of a ticket also insures entrance to the free show "Hafla with Joseph and One"
Monday, September 9, 8 PM
BEIT AVI CHAI courtyard
Admission: NIS 70 (advance purchase) / NIS 90 (night of the concert); students: NIS 40
Hafla with Joseph and One
An energetic concert with one of the veteran ensembles that set the path for ethnic music in Israel. Joseph and One, founded 17 years ago, who perform in festivals in Israel and all over the world, embark on an odyssey of ethnic music in diverse languages and presents original works, piyutim, and a party that gets you on your feet!
Nitzan Peri-vocals, guitar and saz; Eran Horwitz-bass; Gerg
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