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Beit Avi Chai's Piyyut Festival returns to Jerusalem for the sixth year straight. This year's festival will take place at Beit Avi Chai and other venues around Jerusalem from September 8-11, 2013.
The festival provides a musical platform to bond Jewish cultures and communities, and a lively artistic dialogue between tradition and contemporary culture.
Day One: September 8, 2013
Opening Night
This year, the festival's opening night is dedicated to the diverse Kurdish tradition, stretching from northern Iran through Iraq and into Syria and Turkey. The evening will alternate little-known piyutim with party songs and dance tunes, accompanied by the dohol and zurna.
A Tribute to the Traditions of the Jews of Kurdistan
A powerful encounter between Diwan Saz-an ensemble of Israeli musicians from the Galilee who specialize in Kurdish and Turkish music-and paytanim, musicians, dancers, and singers from the Kurdish community in Jerusalem. Together they will perform unique piyutim, songs in the many dialects of the Kurdish tradition, painfully deep songs of yearning and energetic dances of joy.
Special Guest: Eli Luzon
Yochai Barak-musical direction and arrangements, saz and baglama; Eliyahu Dagmi-musical arrangements and saz; Aviv Bachar-kopuz; Yaniv Ovadia-musical arrangements, saz, zurna and vocals; Amir Shahsar-nay; Ilana Eliya-vocals; Boaz Sando-vocals; Yitzhak Refua-vocals; Itamar Doari-percussion; Rani Lorentz-bass; Udi Ben-Knaan-saz and lyre; Eyal Luman-percussion; Zippora El Rei-vocals; Tal Karo-vocals
In cooperation with the National Association of Kurdish Jews in Israel
Purchase of a ticket also insures entrance to the free show "A Kurdish Hafla"
Sunday, September 8, 7:30 PM
BEIT AVI CHAI courtyard
Admission: NIS 70 (advance purchase) / NIS 90 (night of the concert); students: NIS 40
A Kurdish Hafla
Someone who has never experienced a Kurdish hafla does not know a true celebration. The main concert will be followed by a wild Kurdish party with singer Hadassa Yeshurun, dohol and zurna players, dancers, and more.
Hadassa Yeshurun-vocals; Eliyahu Dagmi-baglama; Yaniv Ovadia-baglama and zurna; Chaim Yitzhak-electric saz and dohol; Rani Lorentz-bass; Eyal Luman-percussion; the National Association of Kurdish Jews Dance Troupe
Entry subject to availability, one ticket per person.
Ticket distribution will begin an hour before the event.
Sunday, September 8, 2013, 10 PM
BEIT AVI CHAI courtyard
Admission free
Maqam Husseini Songs: Late-Night Workshop with Maestro Piris Eliyahu
We conclude our journey to the mountains of Kurdistan with an evening workshop in which Piris Eliyahu will teach us to sing the Maqam Husseini, the main spiritual musical scale of Kurdish music.
Programming and production: Matan Neufeld
Sunday, September 8, 11:15 PM
Admission free
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