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Events in Jerusalem

Love Songs for Tu Be

at 22.07.2013

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Monday jul 22nd

Beit Avi Chai presents "Love Songs for Tu Be'Av":  On the trail of Jewish folksongs (part of the "Sfat Em" series)

Monday, July 22, 8:30 PM

Songs of love, betrayal, longing, and weddings in Yiddish, Yemenite Arabic, Kurdish, Farsi, and Ladino, which together create a breathtaking and exciting mosaic of pictures, voices, and sounds.
A moving collection of the unique songs created by Jews over the centuries, which preserve the memory of a wonderful culture interwoven into everyday life.

Artistic direction, research, and editing-Peretz Eliyahu and Yair Harel
Musical direction-Peretz Eliyahu

Victoria Hanna-vocals
Mark Eliyahu-kamanche, saz
Peretz Eliyahu-tar, accordion
Yarden Erez-keyboard, accordion, oud
Hagai Blitzki-contrabass
Yair Harel-percussion and vocals

Research in the National Sound Archives: Amy Simon

Production: Larissa Eliyahu

A joint venture with the National Sound Archives of the National Library

Admission: NIS 50, students: NIS 20


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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