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Events in Jerusalem

A Loving Touch

at 01.08.2013

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Thursday aug 1st

Beit Avi Chai presnts "A Loving Touch-Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach": Songs and Stories of the Singing Rabbi

Thursday, August 1, 8:30 PM

Hannan Yovel, Dvir Spiegel, and the Alma band, weave together Rabbi Carlebach's songs and stories of his life, with the sensitive touch of musicians. The concert creates a tapestry of the charismatic personality and multifaceted nature of one of the greatest Hassidic singers of the 20th century. His melodies, including "Ve-ha'er einenu," "Hemdat yamim," "Od avinu hai," and many more, are an integral part of the soundtrack of our lives.

Admission: NIS 60, students: NIS 30

The events will take place in the Beit AVI CHAI courtyard. Warm attire recommended


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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