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Events in Jerusalem

Living in San Francisco on the Waterfront: Wandering Jews in the American Cinema

at 09.07.2013

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Tuesday jul 9th

The American cinema reflects a vibrant, creative Jewish community. A penetrating look at American films raises many questions. Can Jews lay down their staff of wandering and enjoy a bit of tranquility? Can they make do without the nostalgia? Is the American Dream a Jewish dream?

Editor and lecturer: Film scholar Yuval Rivlin

1: The First Generation
Tuesday, July 2, 8 PM

In the first half of the 20th century, American Jews moved from the traditional world to modern American society. In both worlds they felt at home, and in both they felt like exiles. We will take a close look at this difficult transition between the two worlds as portrayed on the big screen, including excerpts from West Side Story, The Dyybuk, and The Wizard of Oz.

Guest: Prof. Yossi Shain, Department of Political Science, Tel Aviv University.

2: The Second Generation
Tuesday, July 9, 8 PM

In the 21st century, American Jewish society felt confident with its American identity. From this sense of confidence, the second generation developed vibrant and joyous art that sees exile as more of a blessing than a curse.

In the session we will take a look at the modern American-Jewish image and consider to what extent it is relevant to those living in "exile" in Zion; with excerpts from A Serious Man, Angels in America, and Yentl.

Guest: Dr. Yair Lipschitz, Jewish theatre scholar, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Admission per session: NIS 30; students: NIS 20

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