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Events in Jerusalem

Havana in Tunis (June 23, 2013)

at 23.06.2013

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Sunday jun 23rd

Beit Avi Chai "Havana in Tunis": Itai Abramovitch and the Rumba Baladi Ensemble in original arrangements of traditional Tunisian piyyutim

Sunday, June 23, 8:30 PM

An exciting transcontinental journey that combines, for the first time, the music and rhythms of North Africa-especially of Tunisian Jewry-with Latin and Afro-Cuban music and rhythms.

The piyyutim are based on the recordings of Rabbi Nissim Mesika. His grandson, musician Itai Abramovich (partner of Yasmin Levy, David Broza, and others), presents colorful, lively, and modern arrangements of the traditional piyyutim.

Itai Abramovich-musical direction, arrangements, piano, and percussion;
Efi Doyav-vocals, Sefi Assfouri-oud, bouzouki, and violin; Yonatan Keren-violin; Adam Ben Ezra-contrabass; Yoni Sharon-Middle Eastern percussion and special effects; Hen Meir-Latin and Afro-Cuban percussion

Admission: NIS 40, students: NIS 20, In P7


King George St. 44


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