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Events in Jerusalem

Beit Avi Chai's Slaughtering the Cow at Beit Mazia: The Holocaust (June 2013)

at 11.06.2013

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Tuesday jun 11th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Slaughtering the Cow - Kosher Slaughter": A Biting and Witty Satire executed with Finesse

Tuesdays at Beit Mazia, 9 PM

Yair Lehman, Inbal Lori, Eli Haviv, and guests

The Holocaust

Did they laugh in the ghetto? Do teens travel to Poland or do they only pass through on their way from the Duty Free? How do we cope with the Holocaust remembrance and how does Holocaust remembrance cope with us?


Beit Mazia: Mesilat Yesharim 18 | Beit Avi Chai: King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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