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Beit Avi Chai presents "Blockbuster": Israeli films about groups in society
A series on the fault lines in Israeli society and the struggles by its constituent groups, in light of the cultural and societal situation in Israel. A full-length film will be shown at each session, followed by a talk with the filmmakers.
Host: Dani Moja, film critic and actor
November 21, 2012 at 19:30
Session 1: Charedot - *back by popular demand
This documentary by Ron Ofer and Yochai Hakak affords a glimpse into the charedi world from a unique perspective. It follows two charedi women who work a quiet revolution without breaking the rules of their world.
Guests: Ron Ofer, director of the film
Adina Bar-Shalom, one of the main characters
November 28, 2012 at 19:30
Session 2: Georgia, My Beloved
The story of Maya and Manana Sefi, sisters in their early twenties-one a singer, the other a dancer-and their difficulties in being accepted by Israeli society after their aliya from Georgia 21 years ago.
Guest: Maya Sefi, main character
December 5, 2012 at 19:30
Session 3: Green Chariot
Sasha, 22, wants more than anything to disconnect from his past and just be Israeli. He answers only to the name Yair, and even when addressed in Russian answers exclusively in Hebrew. One day, Sasha comes across an object from his past that will change his life and lead him onto a new path.
Guest: Gili Goldschmidt, director of the film
Admission free, subject to available space / Tickets available from 6:30 PM
All of the films in the series were produced with support from AVI CHAI Israel.
This is a Hebrew-language only event
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