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Events in Jerusalem

Piyyut Festival 2012: Live Webcasts

at 10.09.2012

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Monday sep 10th

Beit Avi Chai's Piyyut Festival returns to Jerusalem for the fifth year straight. This year's festival will take place at Beit Avi Chai and other venues around Jerusalem from September 10-13, 2012, and will focus on the piyyut and prayer traditions that developed in the complex shared arena of Jewish-Arab culture, both past and present.

Live Webcasts: Piyyut Festival on Screen

BEIT AVI CHAI invites you to participate in its events even if you couldn't make it. Each month you can view various events live, in high quality and real time on our web site:

September 10 - Abd el-Wahab and Umm Kultum in the World of Piyyut 7:30 PM

September 10 - Sounds of the East / 10 PM

September 11 - From India to Here / 7:30 PM

September 11 - To the Sound of the Ba?lama / 10 PM

September 12 - I Shall Make Music / 7:30 PM

September 12 - Adon HaSlichot / 9 PM

September 13 -Finding a Place / 8:30 PM


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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